Yoga Nidra with Elise

Yoga Nidra takes you through the sleep cycle in a short space of time replenishing the mind and body through deep visualizations. One hour of Yoga Nidra is the equivalent of 4 hours sleep. Join Elise in this session that will start with explanation and stretching exercises which would last about 20 minutes, followed by a 40-minutes practice that is done laying on the floor (in Savasana pose).

Rest & Restore with Maxine

Rest is exquisite in its simplicity: it is the act of doing nothing, but the challenge that many of us face is the inconvenience (and guilt) of stopping. There’s always something on the to-do list, and you might even feel guilty of stopping, like it’s a selfish act. Join Maxine on this Restorative Yoga experience to dive deeper and deeper into rest.

Course curriculum

Course curriculum in progress

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About this course

  • CHF8.00
  • 0 lessons

What to bring

Wear comfortable clothing and set yourself up with the ability to lay down comfortably on the back. You can bring blankets, pillows, or yoga mats to make yourself comfortable while lying down on the back for about 40 minutes.